It's changed my life more than anyone would know. It just, it's made me a new man.
Doug, Kelowna BC, lost 93 lbs*
I lost 93 lbs on Herbal Magic*. It took me eleven months to do that, that’s two pounds a week. I went from a 48 inch waist, almost 50 inch-I would not go to a 50 inch-that’s when I started to realize, to a 34 inch waist. I lost 81 inches over my body. Diabetic, borderline, four years ago. Doctor told me, “It’s up to you.” I had everything ready to burst open on me. And my doctor actually said, “You should be 187 pounds.” And I said, “Give your head a shake. I will never be 187 pounds.”
Finally, my wife was bugging me, bugging me, she wanted to send me to another program, we’d been to a couple other programs. I decided I wanted to go to Herbal Magic. It just seemed the right thing to do. It fit into my lifestyle, it fit into my lunch hour, it fit into everything. And then it became a matter of ego. When people would say to me, “You look great,” I knew I had another sixty pounds to go. If you like me now, just wait ’til next month.
It has changed my life. It’s changed my life more than anyone would know. It just, it’s made me a new man.
My favorite word in the past was “later.” “Honey, can you do this?” “Later.” Now it’s, “Go, go, go, go, go.”
*Individual results vary