Ham & Egg Breakfast Sandwich

Ham & Egg Breakfast Sandwich

They say "breakfast is the most important meal of the day," so why not start it with this super easy and super yummy Ham & Egg Breakfast Sandwich Recipe?


4 large eggs
¼ cup chives, minced
¼ cup parsley, minced

non-fat cooking spray
6 ham deli slices (fat-free, low-sodium)
2 English muffins, toasted


1. In a small bowl, whisk eggs and add chives and parsley together.

2. Ladle ¼ egg mixture in a skillet lightly coated with cooking spray and heat until eggs are cooked through (about 1 to 2 minutes per side).

3. Slide the cooked egg omelet onto a plate and cover with foil to keep warm.

4. Repeat the cooking process with the remaining eggs.

5. Once the eggs are cooked, heat the ham until warm for 1 to 2 minutes per side.

6. Once all elements are ready, place some of the warm ham on one side of the English muffin, then add one egg.

Use whole wheat English muffins for more fibre to help you stay full longer. And, you can add a simple side of greens to your breakfast sandwich to boost your vitamin & mineral intake. This additional 1 cup of green would add ½ Vegetable to your allotments!

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