I'm the happiest I have ever been.
Katie B, Ontario, lost 125 lbs and 100 inches*
When I joined Herbal Magic, I was so unhappy with myself. I had pushed my husband away because I didn’t feel attractive and could not take any compliments.
I was very overweight, very depressed and had no self-esteem. I wanted to crawl into a large hole (it would have to have been an extremely large hole to fit me) and stay there, were no one could see me.
Because I had my daughter to take care of, crawling in a hole and staying there was not an option.
I decided that I was going to get my life back on track and make myself happy, both inside and out. I decided to join Herbal Magic because I had heard that it was hard work, but you could see results quickly. In my first week, I lost 10 pounds. Losing the first 10 pounds made me feel like I could do this. I could lose the weight and no one was going to stop me. I had the support of my family and my personal coach at Herbal Magic.
I started eating right and slowly introduced exercise into my lifestyle. I was never one for any physical activity, or any movement for that matter, other than putting my hand to my mouth to eat and pressing the buttons on the remote. I felt better and more energized to take an active role in my daughter's life, like taking her to the park and actually playing with her on the equipment while not being afraid that I would break it.
I have now lost 125 pounds and 100 inches. Finding inner happiness with myself helped me to allow my husband back in and know that I can be happy. I started on the maintenance phase in February and have maintained my weight loss to date. I know that it will still be a struggle to keep the weight off and know that I need to continue to make small goals for myself in order to succeed and keep the weight off.
My goal for the future is to ensure that I continue to be active and eat right! By continuing to implement the lifestyle I have learned from my amazing coach at Herbal Magic, I know that I will keep the weight off and, most importantly, maintain my happiness!
I’m going to continue to go to the gym and stay active. I’m the happiest I have ever been and Herbal Magic changed my life.
Thank you Herbal Magic!